Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

Police Risk The Demand Of Human Rights Violation

work as Police officer make The challenges can be considerable but the potential reward make the risk and sacrifice all worthwhile, there's pro and there's contra not all people agree what police have done. Dealing in this business are not good enough for someone who doesn't know the meaning to serve, protect and giving a sense of security. 
Human rights, the police must deal with it when they are solving problem or case  using  fire arms force, and made some one injured or killed, but some people just judge the police from one side not from neutral side, they just got the information from the victims, not trying or find out the case  from the beginning, they are claim the police have committed violation of human rights. that's the risk for the police officer who works on field, there's agree and disagree.we must dealing with it.

In law enforcement  task there will always a people that's agree and disagree but the important is that police officers must behave as a professional , act with integrity and do not compromise or abuse their position,Police officers act with self control treating the civilians with respect and courtesy.Police act with fairness and impartiality, not distinguish a class of.when police have right for using his force they must use their force if necessary, proportionate, and reasonable  in all circumstance. if that thing has been conducted by police officers just relax and the police officer will not engage the demand of human rights violation.

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