Serial No.
Family Name
First Name
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ID No.
/ /
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1. On Mounting
q Failure to check handbrake on
q Failure to check driving position for comfort
q Failure to check driving mirrors
q Failure to check panel of instruments
2. Starting Up
q Failure to place gear in neutral
q Failure to depress clutch
q Failure to switch on ignition
q Excessive use of Starting Motor
3. Moving Off
q Failure to look in mirror
q Failure to release handbrake
q Failure to give signal (*)
q When Signalling does not control the vehicle properly
q Jerky Start (*)
q Poor Clutch and throttle coordination
q Excessive / insufficient revs (*)
q Use wrong gear
4. Gear Changing
q Failure to change into correct gear
q Failure to engage gear
q Crashes gear
q Bumpy Start
5. General Driving Attitude
q Rests elbows on window
q Failure to keep both hands in correct position on wheel
q Rides the clutch
q Incorrect position on road or using wrong lane (*)
q Alertness and anticipation of actions of other road users
q Lack of courtesy
q Excessive Speed.(*)
q Speed not appropriate for road condition (*)
q Failure to act on signals of other road users
q Incorrect use of the horn
q Dangerous or inconsiderate driving (*)
q Clutch throttle and brake poor coordination
6. Turning
q Failure to take correct lane (*)
q Failure to change gear when necessary
q Failure to adopt safe speed (*)
q Failure to look in mirror
q Failure to give adequate signals
q Obstruction of traffic (*)
7. Stopping
q Failure to take correct lane
q Failure to look in mirror
q Failure to give adequate signals (*)
q Brakes violently
q Labours or stalls engine
q Failure to stop in the
indicated position
8. Overtaking
q Failure to check if all is clear behind (*)
q Failure to give adequate signals
q Failure to check clear road ahead (*)
q Failure to take correct course
q Obstruction of traffic
q Overtake in dangerous place (*)
9. Turning and Intersections
q Failure to check traffic conditions (*)
q Failure to signal
q Failure to adopt the correct course
q Jerky Start
q Use of wrong gear
q Obstruction of traffic
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Meets the Standards:
q NO
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Name of Tester:
CP / ID Number:
| ||||
| ||||
Annex 6
Disassemble and Reassemble of the
pistol within Five (5) minutes. If a revolver is being used, then
safe cleaning of the revolver in 5 minutes.
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Shooting Distance
Five meters, with the weapon in the
holster ready for duty. One shot, five times, drawing the firearm from
the holster each time on signal from instructor.
Shooting time
Five seconds. After each shot the weapon is to be re-holstered.
Target size
45 x 45 cm
Minimum passing level
Four rounds on the target
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Shooting Distance
Seven meters, with the weapon in the ready position. One shot, five times, each shot on signal from the instructor.
Shooting time
Five seconds. After each shot the weapon is returned to the ready position.
Target size
45 x 45 cm
Minimum passing level
Four rounds on the target
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