Senin, 19 Desember 2011


Aiptu Yosef Resubun Members of Police Force on Medical and Health Yapen Islands, Papua, died after burned him self in hostel at Serui, On Tuesday December, 13, 2011 around 17 . 00 WIT,His wife and his children were in the house when he was burning him self.

before he committing his act he had time to take his wife to  be equally self-immolation. But it was rejected and they were managed to esacape, and run for help.

Jakarta Wednesday, December 14, 2012. A National Police spokesman,Kombes Pol Boy Rafli, announced, His wife and his children were in the house when the  incident took place, but they both managed to escape, and run for help.concerned died on the spot locked with the fire burning his body.
Boy Rafli said ,Yosef has mental disorders and experiencing depression , cause was unknown. We still don’t know and we will find out on his track record boy says.

Yosef Resubun work daily at resort police office in Yapen, That tragic  event will follow up by the INP HQ by continuing  the investigation to find out what its We will investigate the motives and sympathize the families left behind, "said Boy.
Joseph also reportedly had tried to burn the Papua Police Headquarters. After the action, the victim was examined and detained for 21 days.

After serving his sentence, Aiptu Joseph transferred to a police station in the Dokkes Yapen Islands. While the burn-induced self-sacrifice in the Police Mess Serui, losses hundreds of millions of dollar estimated There are 12 rooms of charred and unusable.

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